Monthly Mandala

Tap into your creativity

Live life more mindfully

Keep track of intentions

Feel supported & connected

Tune in with the natural world

The Monthly Mandala workshop is a
2-hour live event on the first Sunday
of every month

The Monthly Mandala workshop is a fun and relaxing way of setting monthly intentions throughout the year in a supportive online group setting


  • A mandala is a circular drawing that builds from the centre outwards around repeating shapes. Designs can be simple or complex, quick and easy, or take time to create. Once you become familiar with mandalas you notice them everywhere: from flowers in nature to everyday objects.

    With roots in Sanskrit, the meaning of ‘mandala’ is more than a circle. It is a container of essence, similar to a scented flower holding its unique perfume and depth of aroma. The psychoanalyst Carl Jung viewed his mandala drawings as ‘precious stones’ referring both to their self-healing and self-revealing qualities.

  • The Monthly Mandala Workshop is a theme-directed online monthly event that follows the changing seasons. In each session you will be invited to explore something of your inner world, set intentions for the month ahead, and create a spontaneous mandala using basic materials. No artistic knowledge, skill or training is needed. The workshop adopts mindfulness-based approaches to support creative self-expression. This includes journaling with your mandala and opportunities to ‘show and share’ within the group.

  • How often do we get to the end of a day, or a week, month or even to the end of a year and wonder where did all the time go? We can get so swept up in daily life it is hard to stop and press the pause button. When we look back we can wonder what did we do with our time.

    It might seem pointless to take time out to draw circles, but research shows that practising creativity lights up otherwise unused parts of the brain. This stimulates the slower and meandering pathways at a neurological level, allowing new and different connections to be made.

“I knew that in finding the mandala as an expression of the self I had attained what was for me the ultimate.”

Carl Jung

The Benefits of
Monthly Mandala

  • Being creative can make you feel more fully alive, helping you find new solutions to problems
  • Relaxing through engaging your brain’s ‘play’ circuit supports healthy living
  • Connect with others in a non-judgemental and supportive environment
  • Mindful tools to help you slow down and de-stress whilst engaging more of the senses
  • Thought-provoking patterns revealing unseen and meaningful elements of life
  • Intentions are set within the mandala so the process has in-built practicality
  • Visual collection of images that build over time reflecting your journey
  • Environmental awareness heightened through attention to nature and the changing seasons

“The experience is powerful as is the manifestation as the month goes by! Thanks again, for facilitating such a rich space. I found the guided process really helped me connect with the felt sense of my ‘intention’ which naturally emerged.”

Workshop participant

We are all imaginative and artistic: we actively create our life each day. Anyone can participate in the workshop – no drawing skills are required! You may be wanting to change something about your life, or simply wanting to add more creativity. In the Monthly Mandala Workshop, we follow a tried-and-trusted process wrapped around different themes that makes creative self-expression easy.

The Monthly Mandala Workshop process is not about creating a work of art or getting something ‘right’. Instead, it is a relaxing and imaginative way to start each month, setting intentions through guided drawing and connecting this naturally into your life.

Dates and times

The Monthly Mandala Workshops are held online via Zoom on the first Sunday of each month (or the second Sunday of the month when on Bank Holidays in England).

They last from
10.00 am12.00 noon

You are welcome to join 10 minutes before the start for an informal catch-up. Otherwise we start promptly at 10.00am. There is an opportunity for you to leave directly after the mandala drawing if you prefer to reflect on your own, or to stay and share in the group reflections.

2022 Dates

  • 9 Jan
  • 6 Feb
  • 6 Mar
  • 3 Apr
  • 8 May
  • 12 Jun
  • 3 Jul
  • 7 Aug
  • 4 Sep
  • 2 Oct
  • 6 Nov
  • 4 Dec

What you need to take part

No special equipment is needed, just plain paper and pens.
A computer or a tablet can be used. These are preferable to a mobile phone due to the screen size
A private space because the group respects confidentiality

You can sign up to attend the live Monthly Mandala Workshop or access the recording of the Workshop and follow the creative process at a time to suit you.

Or, you can choose the Monthly Mandala Subscription. This includes the Monthly Mandala Workshop (live/recorded) and the Mid-Monthly Natural Reflection.

The Mid-Monthly Natural Reflection is a self-guided process supporting creative self-expression and journaling in nature, following the changing seasons and cycles in life, and inspired by the ancient Celtic calendar.

Monthly Mandala Subscription, including
Mid-Monthly Natural Reflection

£15 every month

Monthly Mandala Workshop — Self-Guided


Monthly Mandala Workshop – Live


Monthly Mandala Booking

Monthly Mandala Booking

“The mandala acts as an anchor at the start of each month, drawing out unseen elements about what’s important about how I use my time, and helping me reconnect with positive states when I go off-balance.”

Workshop participant